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The Rat’s Nose Twitches

N R Wood | Oct 09


All action is inaction and has 

An equal and opposite reaction.

Like the tail of a dog

Disappearing from the scene at 

A point where no one had made a point. 

Making the whole thing

 pretty pointless.


 And pity was thin 

Like a gaunt stranger with slit- like eyes.

Two knife cuts in a dark alley,

Where fear lurks and 

 The rat’s nose twitches.


A Dancing Song

Neil Roger Wood | 11 Sept


A dancing song with a heavy beat

trickling down to your dancing feet.

To sing and dance and kiss the sun 

and end the day with a hot crossed bun !


Could those lines be very much worse?

I think 'Poets?' who write this kind of verse

 Should be outlawed flayed and then soundly thrashed

So that their bones shiver then crash

leaving them tired on the edge of their lives

The versemakers cosmogrifrygenocide ...

 They should be put on toast with tartar sauce

and then with all haste and residual force

an end should be put to all of their species

they should be forced to eat their own slimy faeces !


And if this doesn't seem to stop the rot

they should be gagged and bound and then finally shot.


A Flock of Birds

Neil R Wood | 11 Aug


A flock of birds skit and flit fitfully across the greying sky

A mere handful.

Darting and dancing and mourning the disappearing blue.

Impending gloom creeps into every pore

into every microbe. 

Suddenly they make one particular skipping shift

and they are gone.


The clouds gather frowningly

 the whole sky knit into one brow of sorrow.

Does Gaia weep as we weep?

Do her wounds seep as ours seep?

Does she storm as we storm? 

Or is this another anthropomorphic delusion?


We distort the world through a human lens

we can do no other.

The fixer fixed

The gazing eye sunk in its own socket seeing 

all or naught.

Or too much or too little.

We are all blind through these all seeing eyes.

What do you see Mother?


Bank Holiday Morrisons

Neil R Wood | 26 Aug 2011

Rag tag and battered bobtail !

What a gay menagerie in a Bank Holiday Morrisons


Along the aisle was

A hugely forearmed-tattooed father

with desperate daughters crying and looking up adoringly saying

'Daddy daddy this is what I want for my 

birthday' whilst struggling to hold,

so it could be seen, a nightmarish yellow cake faced cake.

And peripherally attached a sullen one armed sallow faced mother.

She seemed to stare and scowl accusingly ahead.

As if it was the worlds fault that she had lost her arm

prompting me to say in my head. 

'It's not my fault you lost your arm luv'

or at least the arm up to the stubby- elbow- end,

with a worm like piece of flesh dangling.

Not that I was noticing, you notice.


It was bank holiday scramble with squalling kids

and parents with raggy arsed jeans

and garden shear haircuts and  broken teeth and beer guts.


'I'm sure Italians don't dress like this'

Do they?


'Alright Jim?'

'Yeah mate what about it? Haw haw !'


There were at least three bleached blondes dressed in black 

bustily bursting out of  too tight tops

All jiggerly bobberly!

Not that I was looking mind you !

There is a huge difference between

noticing and looking. You notice?



And the gap toothed check out girl 

with thinning hair and ghost like pale blue eyes

direct from the set a Zombie Face Eater 3 was a topping filler.

And me with my appetite gorged to the gunnels

Ran quickly to the exit with a barely contained scream.


Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Neil R Wood | Aug 2011

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

I spin the world on my finger tips,

I flip it like a coin,

I balance it on forefinger and thumb

and peruse it casually,

as if it were an unexpected speck

of matter that has appeared on my

glorious form.

I float it like a mote in sunlight

dancing there for my pleasure for my diversion.

I flick it away like an unwanted fat meat fly

shitty little thing!


Compendious and huge am I

a towering form reaching out to the deepest

parts of the vastness of all matter.

I am all things and all things are me.

How could it possibly be otherwise?


Goose Down Pillows

Neil R Wood

Your hands are up to their elbows

in blood and gore. 

As were my own.

The entrails and viscera and stomach linings and

spits and  gobs of the carcasses

of a thousand fleshy beings, is lain at our feet.

Each one of these beings with a family of its own.

Sucking at the teat

Meeting a glance with a loving glance.

Nestling snuggling nurturing.


We are knee deep in a bloody flood

of death that feeds us.

The flesh that's torn? A jacket, a pair of shoes, a sofa!

And stuffed with the miracle that is a feather?

Goose Down pillows.  How dare we!

What a piece of work is man,

claiming to maime humanely.

Such sophistry.

Meat is murder

And that's the truth.


He Was and He Was Not

Neil R Wood

He was torn, torn ripped and shredded.

He was blown, blown worn and scattered.

He was and he was not.


He had escaped and yet was captured

He was free yet still constrained.


He was and he was not.



Neil R Wood

Shrink yourself down to the hindermost part

Clutter up your way with Do’s and don’ts

 and destructive self -doubt.


Shrink shrink shrink and slink away.

Comfort yourself with naught

But  the shadows of all you could be.

Feed the hungry all- consuming heart on scraps

Shrink it keep it quiet keep it lonely and in the dark

Keep it distant so that the wailing is 

Just a distant roar

A quiet reminder of all you could be.


A shoulder shrug of a quiet deathly resignation.

It’s only life ! It’s only this moment and yes yes

This moment is all that we have.



Neil R Wood

Silence as a punishment ?

A voiceless head?

Is that some wicked notion of the devil?

Or a dream devoutly to be wished.


No tortuous questions,

No aching thirstiness. 

For I am desert dry.

A dustbowl of unmet need. A core

Unchallenged untapped and uncorked.

Bubbling or Festering? Or 

Like old wine getting better with age?

Ha! Dare dare dare I fucking dare you to

Come out of hiding.

The giant in the quiet man squashed down to pint size

The Genie in the bottle

The quiet voice in the storm of self- doubt.

Who will but this wonderful morning?


Terror in a Quiet Room

Neil R Wood

I sit in the quiet room

and listen to the ticking of the clock

beating away the seconds of my heart

tick tock tick tock.


Such a quietly heavy sound.


Quiet as the grave that beckons

A death knell in each heartbeat

Each beat a microdot of the whole.


Suspend me from those Tarpian Heights

string out my entrails on the butchers block.

Pin me by my fingers to a wall of stone

beat me with a flagelette right to the bone

You could kill me in a thousand ways 

 but spare me please


The tick tick tocking

the tick tock ticking

the tick tock tick tock ticking of the clock.


The Darkening

Neil R Wood | Sept 2011

This town, all cramped ambition and

Low key thuggery, bustles belligerently.

I am choked.


And defeated.

A mirror and a sponge.

The pulse of winter is in the trees

And hanging from their boughs is that stern teacher

Inky black and bat like and waiting

To administer another harsh and unremitting lesson.

When will the spark of life return ? 

A light a light to glimmer in this darkness that is

Surrounding and crowding and driving me in and down.

Stubborn resistance is all I am left with

And a will, wavering and flitting like a spent

Autumn leaf in the wind.


The Hidden Tremor

Neil R Wood |  04/09/11

Knowledge beyond words sits on my shoulder

It whispers but so quietly, that I cannot hear.

And yet I sense its presence. It is a

Vacuum packed hermetically sealed 

Cornucopia world that has been silenced, it is a realm 

that is beyond sense and senses

beyond the brains recall… beyond.


The tight shut door is ajar for the tiniest moment, something;

sensitive to the touch of light, to the merest breath of wind

To a millisecond of thought… hovers. Not fearfully but 

Expectantly, a deep pool dipping down and back to the dawn of time.

And yet words slowly gather up the detritus

Scoop up the dregs of sense and drop it here on this page.

Knowledge of ALL is just beyond our grasp

It is there tantalisingly close and yet lost in

that vastness of space, lost 

In that as yet undiscovered country.


The Storm

Neil R Wood

To stay to stay to stay! To bind myself to the mast

No matter how wild the wind.

To hold steady in the lashing rain to withstand the storm.

The buffeted bark on and in which I sail,

Its sleek lines besmirched by a thousand trips

Still cuts the cresting wave, still rises and falls

To the beat of my heart. 

Still deeply desires in tooth and claw all that should be mine.

But the wind has dropped and 

Turns to thwart me

I am stalled without chart compass nor any guide,

My work torn hands betray me.

I must stay stay stay .

Bind myself to the mast

To the lashing rain

To the storm.


The Velvet Glove and the Skewered Heart

Neil R Wood

A tray of part made thoughts

constructed in another realm

cocooned and wrapped in ill conceived delights

delights not me.


The velvet glove and the skewered heart of familiar comforts,

is a shattering shard of light that scorches as it shears.

So much pain and hurt from so close a source

so close to this searching soul of man


Make mine a double, anaesthetise the wound.

Make mine a bed of roses, a vision

beyond perception beyond proper things

beyond the razor’s edge

Still yet beyond my reach.


Times Cruel Deceit

Neil Roger Wood

The day has run the night unto the dawn

Who sits atop the hills awash with grief.

Her lover like a thief has pricked with thorns

Their new found love and so she weeps.

The fragile heart with tears so thickly shed

With double weight enshrouds the clouds with grey

And so each one deceives each two and threads

Times cruel deceit lost in the lovers play.

Raw nature has the world so cruelly joined

Enwrapped enmeshed and trapped beyond all power

The human mind cannot untie what’s bound

And in its thrall we dance our ragged hours.

Till sobering day has settled all our hearts

‘til night creeps in and then the dance restarts.


To Rise Again Like the Tide

Neil Wood | Sept 2008


The lick of flame

From the torching sun

The liquid moon with

its dance of light.

This is the cut of time, as

We fall,

To  rise again

Like the tide.


The touch of silk and

The perfumed rose

The sibilant swell

 as the waters rise

The tongue of life 

The cruel words lash.

And we fall,

To rise again 

Like the tide.


The dancing thought

And its dying breath

The pulsing core of

Our beating heart

this slender thread

‘tween our rise and fall.

As we fall, 

To rise again

Like the tide.


The villain’s bray

The braggart’s stance

The Vicar’s pious

Pointed dance

The bitter taste

Of a traitor’s kiss

The wounded heart

Still seeking bliss

As we fall,

To rise again

Like the tide.

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